Pandas-based implementation of spatial structures for mesa-frames.
This module provides concrete implementations of spatial structures using pandas
as the backend for DataFrame operations. It defines the GridPandas class, which
implements a 2D grid structure using pandas DataFrames for efficient spatial
operations and agent positioning.
GridPandas(GridDF, PandasMixin):
A pandas-based implementation of a 2D grid. This class uses pandas
DataFrames to store and manipulate spatial data, providing high-performance
operations for large-scale spatial simulations.
The GridPandas class is designed to be used within ModelDF instances to represent
the spatial environment of the simulation. It leverages the power of pandas for
fast and efficient data operations on spatial attributes and agent positions.
The GridPandas class can be used directly in a model to represent the
spatial environment:
from mesa_frames.concrete.model import ModelDF
from mesa_frames.concrete.pandas.space import GridPandas
from mesa_frames.concrete.pandas.agentset import AgentSetPandas
class MyAgents(AgentSetPandas):
# ... agent implementation ...
class MyModel(ModelDF):
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.space = GridPandas(self, [width, height])
self.agents += MyAgents(self)
def step(self):
# Move agents
self.space.move_agents(self.agents, positions)
# ... other model logic ...
- Efficient storage and retrieval of agent positions
- Fast operations for moving agents and querying neighborhoods
- Seamless integration with pandas-based agent sets
- Support for various boundary conditions (e.g., wrapped, bounded)
This implementation relies on pandas, so users should ensure that pandas
is installed and imported. The performance characteristics of this class
will depend on the pandas version and the specific operations used.
For more detailed information on the GridPandas class and its methods,
refer to the class docstring.
from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
from typing import Literal
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mesa_frames.abstract.space import GridDF
from mesa_frames.concrete.pandas.mixin import PandasMixin
from mesa_frames.utils import copydoc
class GridPandas(GridDF, PandasMixin):
"""pandas-based implementation of GridDF."""
_agents: pd.DataFrame
_copy_with_method: dict[str, tuple[str, list[str]]] = {
"_agents": ("copy", ["deep"]),
"_cells": ("copy", ["deep"]),
"_cells_capacity": ("copy", []),
"_offsets": ("copy", ["deep"]),
_cells: pd.DataFrame
_cells_capacity: np.ndarray
_offsets: pd.DataFrame
def _empty_cell_condition(self, cap: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Create a boolean mask of the same shape as cap
empty_mask = np.ones_like(cap, dtype=bool)
if not self._agents.empty:
# Get the coordinates of all agents
agent_coords = self._agents[self._pos_col_names].to_numpy(int)
# Mark cells containing agents as not empty
empty_mask[tuple(agent_coords.T)] = False
return empty_mask
def _generate_empty_grid(
self, dimensions: Sequence[int], capacity: int
) -> np.ndarray:
if not capacity:
capacity = np.inf
return np.full(dimensions, capacity)
def _sample_cells(
n: int | None,
with_replacement: bool,
condition: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
respect_capacity: bool = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
# Get the coordinates of cells that meet the condition
coords = np.array(np.where(condition(self._cells_capacity))).T
# If the grid has infinite capacity, there is no need to respect capacity
if np.any(self._cells_capacity == np.inf):
respect_capacity = False
if respect_capacity and condition != self._full_cell_condition:
capacities = self._cells_capacity[tuple(coords.T)]
# If not respecting capacity or for full cells, set capacities to 1
capacities = np.ones(len(coords), dtype=int)
if n is not None:
if with_replacement:
if respect_capacity and condition != self._full_cell_condition:
assert (
n <= capacities.sum()
), "Requested sample size exceeds the total available capacity."
sampled_coords = np.empty((0, coords.shape[1]), dtype=coords.dtype)
while len(sampled_coords) < n:
remaining_samples = n - len(sampled_coords)
sampled_indices = self.random.choice(
unique_indices, counts = np.unique(
sampled_indices, return_counts=True
if respect_capacity and condition != self._full_cell_condition:
# Calculate valid counts for each unique index
valid_counts = np.minimum(counts, capacities[unique_indices])
# Update capacities
capacities[unique_indices] -= valid_counts
valid_counts = counts
# Create array of repeated coordinates
new_coords = np.repeat(coords[unique_indices], valid_counts, axis=0)
# Extend sampled_coords
sampled_coords = np.vstack((sampled_coords, new_coords))
if respect_capacity and condition != self._full_cell_condition:
# Update coords and capacities
mask = capacities > 0
coords = coords[mask]
capacities = capacities[mask]
sampled_coords = sampled_coords[:n]
assert n <= len(
), "Requested sample size exceeds the number of available cells."
sampled_indices = self.random.choice(len(coords), size=n, replace=False)
sampled_coords = coords[sampled_indices]
sampled_coords = coords
# Convert the coordinates to a DataFrame
sampled_cells = pd.DataFrame(sampled_coords, columns=self._pos_col_names)
return sampled_cells
def _update_capacity_agents(
agents: pd.DataFrame,
operation: Literal["movement", "removal"],
) -> np.ndarray:
# Update capacity for agents that were already on the grid
masked_df = self._df_get_masked_df(
self._agents, index_cols="agent_id", mask=agents
if operation == "movement":
# Increase capacity at old positions
old_positions = tuple(masked_df[self._pos_col_names].to_numpy(int).T)
np.add.at(self._cells_capacity, old_positions, 1)
# Decrease capacity at new positions
new_positions = tuple(agents[self._pos_col_names].to_numpy(int).T)
np.add.at(self._cells_capacity, new_positions, -1)
elif operation == "removal":
# Increase capacity at the positions of removed agents
positions = tuple(masked_df[self._pos_col_names].to_numpy(int).T)
np.add.at(self._cells_capacity, positions, 1)
return self._cells_capacity
def _update_capacity_cells(self, cells: pd.DataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
# Get the coordinates of the cells to update
coords = cells.index
# Get the current capacity of updatable cells
current_capacity = self._cells.reindex(coords, fill_value=self._capacity)[
# Calculate the number of agents currently in each cell
agents_in_cells = current_capacity - self._cells_capacity[tuple(zip(*coords))]
# Update the capacity in self._cells_capacity
new_capacity = cells["capacity"].to_numpy() - agents_in_cells
# Assert that no new capacity is negative
assert np.all(
new_capacity >= 0
), "New capacity of a cell cannot be less than the number of agents in it."
self._cells_capacity[tuple(zip(*coords))] = new_capacity
return self._cells_capacity
def remaining_capacity(self) -> int:
if not self._capacity:
return np.inf
return self._cells_capacity.sum()