Source code for mesa_frames.concrete.model

Concrete implementation of the model class for mesa-frames.

This module provides the concrete implementation of the base model class for
the mesa-frames library. It defines the ModelDF class, which serves as the
foundation for creating agent-based models using DataFrame-based agent storage.

        The base class for models in the mesa-frames library. This class
        provides the core functionality for initializing and running
        agent-based simulations using DataFrame-backed agent sets.

The ModelDF class is designed to be subclassed by users to create specific
model implementations. It provides the basic structure and methods necessary
for setting up and running simulations, while leveraging the performance
benefits of DataFrame-based agent storage.

    To create a custom model, subclass ModelDF and implement the necessary

    from mesa_frames.concrete.model import ModelDF
    from mesa_frames.concrete.agents import AgentSetPandas

    class MyCustomModel(ModelDF):
        def __init__(self, num_agents):
            self.agents += AgentSetPandas(self)
            # Initialize your model-specific attributes and agent sets

        def run_model(self):
            # Implement the logic for a single step of your model
            for _ in range(10):

        # Add any other custom methods for your model

For more detailed information on the ModelDF class and its methods, refer to
the class docstring.

from import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from import SpaceDF
from mesa_frames.concrete.agents import AgentsDF

    from mesa_frames.abstract.agents import AgentSetDF

[docs] class ModelDF: """Base class for models in the mesa-frames library. This class serves as a foundational structure for creating agent-based models. It includes the basic attributes and methods necessary for initializing and running a simulation model. """ random: np.random.Generator running: bool _seed: int | Sequence[int] _agents: AgentsDF # Where the agents are stored _space: SpaceDF | None # This will be a MultiSpaceDF object
[docs] def __init__(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = None) -> None: """Create a new model. Overload this method with the actual code to start the model. Always start with super().__init__(seed) to initialize the model object properly. Parameters ---------- seed : int | Sequence[int] | None, optional The seed for the model's generator """ self.random = None self.reset_randomizer(seed) self.running = True self.current_id = 0 self._agents = AgentsDF(self) self._space = None
[docs] def get_agents_of_type(self, agent_type: type) -> "AgentSetDF": """Retrieve the AgentSetDF of a specified type. Parameters ---------- agent_type : type The type of AgentSetDF to retrieve. Returns ------- AgentSetDF The AgentSetDF of the specified type. """ for agentset in self._agents._agentsets: if isinstance(agentset, agent_type): return agentset raise ValueError(f"No agents of type {agent_type} found in the model.")
[docs] def reset_randomizer(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: """Reset the model random number generator. Parameters ---------- seed : int | Sequence[int] | None A new seed for the RNG; if None, reset using the current seed """ if seed is None: seed = np.random.SeedSequence().entropy assert seed is not None self._seed = seed self.random = np.random.default_rng(seed=self._seed)
[docs] def run_model(self) -> None: """Run the model until the end condition is reached. Overload as needed. """ while self.running: self.step()
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """Run a single step. The default method calls the step() method of all agents. Overload as needed. """ self.agents.step()
@property def agents(self) -> AgentsDF: """Get the AgentsDF object containing all agents in the model. Returns ------- AgentsDF The AgentsDF object containing all agents in the model. Raises ------ ValueError If the model has not been initialized properly with super().__init__(). """ try: return self._agents except AttributeError: raise ValueError( "You haven't called super().__init__() in your model. Make sure to call it in your __init__ method." ) @agents.setter def agents(self, agents: AgentsDF) -> None: if not isinstance(agents, AgentsDF): raise TypeError("agents must be an instance of AgentsDF") self._agents = agents @property def agent_types(self) -> list[type]: """Get a list of different agent types present in the model. Returns ------- list[type] A list of the different agent types present in the model. """ return [agent.__class__ for agent in self._agents._agentsets] @property def space(self) -> SpaceDF: """Get the space object associated with the model. Returns ------- SpaceDF The space object associated with the model. Raises ------ ValueError If the space has not been set for the model. """ if not self._space: raise ValueError( "You haven't set the space for the model. Use = your_space" ) return self._space @space.setter def space(self, space: SpaceDF) -> None: self._space = space