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Welcome to mesa-frames 🚀

mesa-frames is an extension of the mesa framework, designed for complex simulations with thousands of agents. By storing agents in a DataFrame, mesa-frames significantly enhances the performance and scalability of mesa, while maintaining a similar syntax.

You can get a model which is multiple orders of magnitude faster based on the number of agents - the more agents, the faster the relative performance.

Why DataFrames? 📊

DataFrames are optimized for simultaneous operations through SIMD processing. Currently, mesa-frames supports two main libraries:

  • pandas: A popular data-manipulation Python library, known for its ease of use and high performance.
  • Polars: A new DataFrame library with a Rust backend, offering innovations like Apache Arrow memory format and support for larger-than-memory DataFrames.

Performance Boost 🏎️

Check out our performance graphs comparing mesa and mesa-frames for the Boltzmann Wealth model:

Performance Graph with Mesa

Performance Graph without Mesa

Quick Start 🚀


Installing from PyPI

pip install mesa-frames

Installing from Source

git clone
cd mesa_frames
pip install -e .

Basic Usage

Here's a quick example of how to create a model using mesa-frames:

from mesa_frames import AgentSetPolars, ModelDF
import polars as pl

class MoneyAgentPolars(AgentSetPolars):
    def __init__(self, n: int, model: ModelDF):
        self += pl.DataFrame(
            {"unique_id": pl.arange(n, eager=True), "wealth": pl.ones(n, eager=True)}

    def step(self) -> None:"give_money")

    def give_money(self):
        # ... (implementation details)

class MoneyModelDF(ModelDF):
    def __init__(self, N: int):
        self.agents += MoneyAgentPolars(N, self)

    def step(self):"step")

    def run_model(self, n):
        for _ in range(n):

What's Next? 🔮

  • API refinement for seamless transition from mesa
  • Support for mesa functions
  • Multiple other spaces: GeoGrid, ContinuousSpace, Network...
  • Additional backends: Dask, cuDF (GPU), Dask-cuDF (GPU)...
  • More examples: Schelling model, ...
  • Automatic vectorization of existing mesa models
  • Backend-agnostic AgentSet class

Get Involved! 🤝

mesa-frames is in its early stages, and we welcome your feedback and contributions! Check out our GitHub repository to get started.


mesa-frames is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for full details.