Welcome to mesa-frames 🚀¶
mesa-frames is an extension of the mesa framework, designed for complex simulations with thousands of agents. By storing agents in a DataFrame, mesa-frames significantly enhances the performance and scalability of mesa, while maintaining a similar syntax.
You can get a model which is multiple orders of magnitude faster based on the number of agents - the more agents, the faster the relative performance.
Why DataFrames? 📊¶
The pandas version will be deprecated in the next release. Refer to this issue for more information. Please consider transitioning to Polars for future compatibility.
DataFrames are optimized for simultaneous operations through SIMD processing. Currently, mesa-frames supports two main libraries:
- pandas: A popular data-manipulation Python library, known for its ease of use and high performance.
- Polars: A new DataFrame library with a Rust backend, offering innovations like Apache Arrow memory format and support for larger-than-memory DataFrames.
Performance Boost 🏎️¶
Check out our performance graphs comparing mesa and mesa-frames for the Boltzmann Wealth model:
Quick Start 🚀¶
Installing from PyPI¶
Installing from Source¶
Basic Usage¶
Here's a quick example of how to create a model using mesa-frames:
from mesa_frames import AgentSetPolars, ModelDF
import polars as pl
class MoneyAgentPolars(AgentSetPolars):
def __init__(self, n: int, model: ModelDF):
self += pl.DataFrame(
{"unique_id": pl.arange(n, eager=True), "wealth": pl.ones(n, eager=True)}
def step(self) -> None:
def give_money(self):
# ... (implementation details)
class MoneyModelDF(ModelDF):
def __init__(self, N: int):
self.agents += MoneyAgentPolars(N, self)
def step(self):
def run_model(self, n):
for _ in range(n):
What's Next? 🔮¶
- API refinement for seamless transition from mesa
- Support for mesa functions
- Multiple other spaces: GeoGrid, ContinuousSpace, Network...
- Additional backends: Dask, cuDF (GPU), Dask-cuDF (GPU)...
- More examples: Schelling model, ...
- Automatic vectorization of existing mesa models
- Backend-agnostic AgentSet class
Get Involved! 🤝¶
mesa-frames is in its early stages, and we welcome your feedback and contributions! Check out our GitHub repository to get started.
mesa-frames is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for full details.